Wanna come up for a COFFI? Kommst du auf ein' COFFI mit rauf?

left, grey background: 2014 branding / right, white background: 2015 branding
links, grauer Hintergrund: 2014 Branding / rechts, weißer Hintergrund: 2015 Branding


The COFFI – Italian Film & Art Festival connects German and Italian culture in various disciplines and challenges stereotypes and prejudices of both nations. Originally from Naples, the first Berlin edition of the festival took place in August 2014 on the grounds of Willner Brauerei. I was asked to design together with my colleague Christian Woynowski the whole festival branding. We developed the logo, the key visual, flyer, poster, programe, postcards, flirt cards, business cards and the website. For the 2015 edition of the festival I created some illustrations as key visual, based on last year‘s brand guidance. They were used on postcards, posters, the website and programe, designed by me and supplemented by new flirt cards, batches and menus.


Das COFFI - Italian Film & Art Festival Berlin verbindet deutsche und italienische Kultur in verschiedenen Disziplinen und räumt mit Klischees und Vorurteilen beider Nationen auf. Im August 2014 fand die erste Ausgabe des Festivals, das ursprünglich aus Neapel stammt, zum ersten Mal in der Willner Brauerei Berlin statt. Ich wurde angefragt das komplette Festival Branding zu gestalten, bestehend aus Logo, Key Visual, Flyer, Poster, Programmheft, Postkarten, Flirtcards, Visitenkarten und die Website.


2015 branding


Go to COFFI's website

 2014 branding